Monday, April 6, 2015

Blog 12

Nemwashi is the idea of laying "groundwork" in business practice.  Business professionals have a pre-meeting of sorts, researching what the opinions of different members involved with decision making are - it is "groudwork laid unobtrusively in advance".

Sempai-kohai is about social hierarchies within different facets of Japanese life.  "Horizontal relationships are not the norm in Japanese society... and vertical hierarchies dominate".  These hierarchies can be based off of age, experience, and school grade.  Promotions in the Japanese workforce are often based off of age, rather than skill, with the thought that those who have been in a particular work area longer will naturally be better at the job.

Iitoko-dori is the process of adapting elements of foreign culture in order to benefit Japanese culture and lifestyles.  This process is the answer to the question, "why was Japan able to modernize more rapidly than other countries?", and goes back to Japan's Shinto roots.  Because Shintoism has "no absolute sense of values...this has enabled it to coexist with the other valve systems that have entered Japan from the outside".

Your kimono was beautiful!  I've wanted to wear one for a long time, though I had no idea that you were supposed to be flat-chested to wear one properly, or that you had to stuff a towel into it to wear yours properly. 

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